30 Day HAPPINESS Challenge

30 Day HAPPINESS Challenge
Ive seen a lot of these types of posts on Pinterest and thought i would try my own, as i find that health and fitness is about so much more than working out and eating right. Living a fit and healthy life means that you are taking care of your inner self, your true feelings about yourself and your position in this world. If you are actively working on your self-care and creating a happy space in your mind, it will become a norm.
If you go through this challenge (or any other for that matter), make sure not to get down on yourself if you miss a day, its counterintuitive to go through it and feel horrible if you missed one or two. Take it how you like it and these are just suggestions to make your days happier and more enjoyable!
1. go for a walk outside- and take your time with it. Enjoy what the fresh air has for you, and try a new route than you have ever taken! (Remember also to walk safely, if not on the sidewalk, on the correct side of the road)
2. tell someone a joke - if you cant think of one, look one up! Making someone else laugh always make me happy
3. learn how to cook a new dish - perhaps browse through my Pinterest page for suggestions!  https://www.pinterest.ca/growwithjo/
4. perform a selfless act - i feel that when i do something for someone else, and see their smile, it usually makes my day too!
5. bake a yummy cake - or cookies, or whatever you prefer. Share it with someone, while you chill and vibe
6. watch a favourite movie - mines UP or A Walk to Remember or The Great Gatsby or Wolf of Wall Street (LAWD i have so many favs)
7. Journal your thoughts - its a super therapeutic activity; I hope you give this one a try at least once.
8. Wear your favourite colours - i find that when i do this, either to the gym or while i work, it gives me a little more excitement to be doing whatever activity Im doing.
9. Have a dance party - and dance as obnoxiously as possible. This helps me let out stress and just be silly in the comfort of my own space. My boyfriend usually either watches and laughs with me, or joins in with his own silly dance.
10. Listen to a podcast - learn something new, your brain will be happy :)
11. Get yourself some flowers - you can even pick a few outside and put them in a cup. That nice reminder of nature's intricacies will be sure to put a smile on your face.
12. Practice yoga - or stretches at home or in a class!
13. FaceTime a friend - i find that reconnecting with someone i haven't talked to in a while really gives me a new perspective on life and allows me to appreciate life for the way that it is. 
14. Get a massage - relieve that stress girl, you deserve it
15. Meditate for 10 mins - if you have trouble with this, try a meditation app- i like Calm or Headspace 
16. Take a day trip - if time allows you. If not, just try going to a new place in town, taking a little detour as an adventure, you may be surprised with what you find!
17. Take a long bath (or shower)
18. Smile at as many people as possible - seeing that smile back will definitely make you smile even bigger
19. Colour or paint - create your own picture or use a picture book. I like doing this while listening to lofi playlist on youtube.
20. Treat yourself- food treat, online purchase, something you've been wanting for a while. 
21. Try a new food cuisine - venture outside of your comfort zone and try a new dish from a cultures food you've never tried
22. Get a manicure (or give yourself one)
23. No social media day- i find this helps me stop thinking about other peoples lives and really live in the moment.
24. Follow along yoga (youtube or online) - do it at home- maybe this will be a new routine for you?!
25. Have a sleepover - either host one or get a few girlfriends together at a friends house. Bring out the snacks and therapeutic girly talk
26. Share a quote- find an uplifting quote to share with your close circle or friend(s).
27. 15 mins of cardio - this always helps me clear my mind and re-set
28. Compliment someone -find something you genuinely love about someone and let them know. They will be surprised and you'll feel great for making someone else feel great about themselves
29. Go to bed 30 mins early- you'd be surprised what that extra 30 mins can do
30. Start a daily planner - keep yourself more organized, and perhaps add some of these activities into your daily routine to keep yourself actively happy and enjoying life!
I really hope that you like this challenge, as it has been one that has helped me really keep a positive attitude! Make sure to pin this on Pinterest and share with a friend on Instagram or Facebook! Tag me so i can add you to my circle of friends and fam <3
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